Antipasto Pasta Salad by Shelley Judge

To Prep
To Cook
1.5 cups tomato pasata
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
50g kalamatta olives, halved.
75g prosciutto, thinly sliced.
50g artichoke hearts
8 basil leaves, shredded
1 packet of Angelo’s Ricotta& Spinach Tortelloni
Combine the tomato pasata and balsamic vinegar in a saucepan over a medium heat. Bring mixture to the boil, and simmer for another 15 mins. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta as instructions on the packet. Once cooked, rinse thoroughly to remove excess starch and allow to cool.
In a large bowl combine the pasta, prosciutto, olives, sliced artichoke hearts and basil leaves. Finally, mix in the pasata sauce.
Nutrition Tip: Not only is balsamic vinegar great for flavour it also packed a nutritional punch. It is high in polyphenols and antioxidants, which improves immunity and fights against cell damage.
She is food smart, she is food hip, she is Shelley Judge! Get food wise by clicking here and finding out more about Shelley.